Join some of the most influential people in the world and learn NLP!

The AJR International Academy of NLP trains to the highest standard and meets the NLP Association of NLP training standards.

Most people are DOING what they have to DO to have what they want to HAVE so they can be who they want to BE.  

NLP will teach you that you can be who you want to BE so you can do what you want to DO so you can have what you want to HAVE.

Is NLP for You?

Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP says this “NLP is an attitude and methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques”


NLP is often seen to help people recognise the patterns that are running unconsciously in their lives which lead to same results showing up over and over again. Once these patterns can be recognised, it allows people to start changing what they do to obtain better results.


Some examples of common patterns are:

  • Not good enough
  • Need for external validation
  • Fear of failure or success
  • Fear of abandonment or rejection
  • Perfectionism
  • All or nothing


Some famous people such as Tony Robbins who openly states that NLP (What is NLP?) started him on the highway to success. Other famous people such as Oprah Winfrey and Russell Brand use NLP in their lives that help them smash self-limiting beliefs and patterns that would otherwise hold them back.


This attitude and methodology will give you the tools which will certainly give you a distinct edge by increasing your personal effectiveness in how you move forward in life with a positive mindset. Having NLP tools at your fingertips will definitely help you achieve any success you desire, whether in business, career, finances, personal development, relationships, family or health.


Without these tools, you might make decisions based on self-limiting beliefs or unconscious patterns, missing out on opportunities that arise in any of these areas and stay stagnant. And as you are looking at this training anyway, it is obviously something you want to change or avoid.


You probably already have great tools that you have learnt along the way from experience and may still be working for you. But imagine if you could add new tools to this foundation that could radically impact the way you make decisions, feel about something, how you see things, communicate and move forward in an entirely different way. Kind of like being the director of your own movie of life, being able to edit, cut and add some great scenes.


Of course, the choice is yours. Only you will know what the impact would be and whether it’s going to be the change you want in your life. There are so many people around the world who have trained in NLP and have achieved success in many areas of their lives. Adam Rice, being one of them. Adam can give you great examples of clients and people he has worked with who use NLP in everyday life!

This is just an overview, a little taste of what using NLP can do for you!


The NLP Practitioner Certification training will focus on the detailed elements of how you use your unconscious mind for change. Wonderful, positive and sustainable change!

Why do people want to learn NLP?


 The two most common reasons people want to learn Neuro Linguistic Programming is:

  • Personal & Professional Growth
  • Incorporate NLP tools as a Coach


Using NLP for personal & professional growth


NLP is a great tool that will allow you to manage your emotions, behaviour, increase your confidence and change unhelpful patterns. Being able to manage your own state and recognising how others work will give you the advantage of building better relationships both personally and professionally.


Using NLP as a coach

Many coaches use NLP in their coaching role. NLP is a dynamic tool which allows a coach to identify unconscious patterns, blocks, self-limiting beliefs to help their client move towards their desired goal.


Contact us if you want to know more or book into one of the Introduction to NLP seminars which is a full day where you get to try and experience some techniques of NLP that you can take away and use straight away.


What are you waiting for? Book your training in now.

What can NLP do for you?

  • Create a positive mindset
  • Get to know your own unconscious programs
  • Make goals a reality
  • Better communicate with anyone
  • Become a life coach
  • Clear self-limiting beliefs
  • Set yourself up for success in any area
  • Skilled to deal with anything that comes to you in life

About Adam J Rice

Adam J Rice completed his NLP Training in 2016. He has coached alongside Heidi Heron and Laureli Blythe, two of the highest ranked Master NLP Practitioners & Trainers in the world, both in Sydney and Singapore.

Adam is also a Credentialed Mental Health Clinician and has been in private practice since 2014. He is the Owner and Director of AJR Coaching & Training Collective Pty Ltd incorporating AJR Counselling, Coaching & Consulting and The AJR International Academy of NLP.

Adam not only found that NLP helped in his business but also in his personal life that he ensured his two daughters also were trained. Adam and his daughters work together in ensuring that training is delivered in the most beneficial way, by having FUN. Adam teaches here on the Central Coast of NSW, Australia and in Switzerland.

“If only they taught this at school, I believe it would lower anxiety, help people achieve goals and most of all people would communicate with each other so much better”.

Adam is a Certified Trainer of NLP and both a Professional & Trainer Member of the NLP Association of Australia (NLPAA). He is a Board Member of NLPAA.

Adam also attends many professional development events so he is up to date with the latest developments in NLP. 

What is NLP?

Lots of people believe that your mind and brain are the same thing, but this is not true. They are separate from each other. Your brain does not control your mind, your mind controls your brain. When you change your thinking, it changes the structure of your brain. This is called neuroplasticity.

With NLP you can take control of your thinking, feeling and what you choose - meaning you take control of your brain.

Basically, you can change how your brain is programmed because your mind is more powerful than your brain.

In a nutshell, NLP is the language of the mind and how these two aspects create the programs we run unconsciously in life. 

Have you ever thought “why do I do that?” With NLP, you can find out and make the changes you want to make. 

Learning NLP will give you a set of tools to be able to change how you think and what you think. It will also help you know what other people think and do therefore, able to respect their model of the world. NLP will give you the tools to open the sky of success to you.

  • Rid habits
  • Create new and better habits
  • Achieve goals 
  • Improve the way you feel
  • Build confidence
  • Improve self-esteem
  • Improve the you feel
  • Turn negative thought patterns into powerful positive ones
  • Succeed in business
  • Succeed in life
  • Parenting success
  • Communicate better with you family, friends, colleagues and you own children
  • Increase Sales
  • Improve physical and mental health

AND So much more!

NLP Testimonials

"My first experience of NLP was when some of my friends and mental health colleagues (including Adam) were completing some NLP courses and trainings in Sydney, many year ago. I didn’t really understand what it was they were doing but I could just see and feel that things were different about them and they had an air of confidence and acceptance that I was keen to experience for myself.

I went along to a weekend “taster” and was immediately hooked. NLP was amazing! Very quickly I could see how these processes could completely change my life and also the relationships I had with my loved ones. I learnt how to communicate more effectively, how to be a better therapist, how to “read” other people more accurately and how to manage myself, by removing unhelpful past patterns and beliefs, that were holding me back or getting in the way of me creating the future I wanted.

I have attended NLP sessions and trainings with Adam and hosted by Adam and he is an amazing NLP practitioner and coach. His passion and enthusiasm for NLP are evident and I look forward to attending future workshops and trainings held by the AJR International Academy of NLP. "


Pip Blackley - Credentialed Nurse/Psychotherapist/NLP Master Practitioner

"I first had an NLP session with Adam in 2018 when I was holding a lot of anxiety about surgery that I needed to have and had been putting off for a long time. The session supported me to put things into perspective and manage both the surgery and recovery from a place of strength and calmness.

Another year on, I went back to Adam to work on this feeling of being trapped that had sat with me since childhood. Adam took me through various techniques and what I was absolutely not expecting was that I had a physical reaction with my breathing. I had my first (diagnosed as) asthma attack when i was 17 and from then until that session, at the age of 47, I had used preventers and Ventolin on a daily basis. I can't fully explain it but something that we were able to work through during that session resolved my asthma and I no longer require any medication. I go to see Adam when I recognise that there is something I need to work on and always have amazing results."

Zona Gabriel

"I started seeing Adam to help address my anxiety condition that had become chronic and complex. Adam coached me using NLP to help me address the key triggers and management of my condition which has allowed me to regain control my life. I have been able to live full and rewarding life now which isn’t controlled by my anxiety. It has allowed me to succeed in both my personal and work life, I am now able to work in a way that is not governed by anxiety but rather just a strong work ethic. I have had different treatments before for my anxiety and found that NLP coaching has made a huge difference. I am now feeling confident and my life is moving in the right decision."

Nick Jones

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