Powerful Parenting using NLP Workshop

Powerful Parenting Workshop Using NLP

In our Powerful Parenting Workshop Using Neurolinguistic Programming  on 27 November we’ll be looking at representation systems.

That’s how children and everybody communicates. There’s four different things around that - Visual, auditory, kinesthetic and auditory internal dialogue thinking. When you know what your child’s rep system is it’s so much easier to be able to use words to get the response that you need.

You get to practice it in the workshop and it’s a lot of fun for the kids and for the parents.

Save $65 with the earlybird price of $230.

Book now: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/powerful-parenting-using-nlp-neuro-linguistic-programming-tickets-201332871037

November 17, 2021
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